Learning and embodiment

I think it's important to facilitate learning in different ways. This is nothing new but there are several ways in which we learn, visual, auditory, kinesthetic etc and for me as a teacher I feel it's important to ensure these are embedded within teaching to be inclusive to all learners.
Although we predominantly may steer towards one style in fact we deploy several when learning. For me this had links with embodiment which interpret this in the following way.
To embody we take on the information, and idea, movement & tasks physically, practically and pshycologically and immerse within an idea, movement, thought to gain a greater understanding and to express in different ways.
For me to allow students to learn, progress, grow we need to allow them to embody information, choreography etc. By providing them with information in many forms it allows each learner to have a greater understanding and an in-depth feeling and sense of inclusion in order for them to fully grasp ideas. Ensuring we offer students several opportunities to 'learn' by including the different learning styles will aid in this.
Ok I'm beginning to waffle now after a full day of teaching!
I look forward to hearing thoughts &/or ideas.


  1. Thanks for the info on the second skype! I wondered what you all talked about and am glad to hear it fleshed out.

    I love the idea of facilitating learning in different ways. I've actually found a reverse hierarchy of learning styles in the dance classroom, as opposed to a regular classroom where it's usually frowned upon to get out of one's seat and move around during a lecture. I'm a very visual learner and need to specifically NOT mark and just watch when I'm learning, or mark with my hands only, and usually growing up I was the only one. It was kind of frowned upon to not be learning physically, but I couldn't learn if I was moving. So it definitely behooves teachers to not assume students aren't paying attention just because they learn differently!

    1. Hannah, truly interesting comments regarding how you learn, thank you for sharing.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like the way you have described embodiment. And I also think its important to find different approaches to sharing teaching material with your students, the great thing is, that it also gives you as a teacher opportunities to see things from a different perspective.

  3. I agree with Agata, your definition of embodiment is lovely. Also, your idea of creating different learning opportunities based on different learning styles is very interesting. I would love to see how you do that! I love it when theory returns to our classrooms as practical ways to work with our students.

  4. Garry , it is amazing how you associate embodiment with learning. It is very important to include everyone in learning process. As we are dance teachers, we need to embrace everyone and certainly different learning styles is the right way to achieve it. It would be nice if we could discuss about different learning styles in the following skype meetings.

  5. Hi Garry, thanks for your blog. Yes learning styles, if we include many will provide our students with more options and greater chances to connect to movements in the way that suits them. Some learners really see things completely differently, I say see but it might not be see first, it might be another sense leaping in first and it is so hard to tell. I do think it difficult to attach labels to any one of us and consider the learning styles can provide a guide, but over-analysis can also lose something in choreography if it has to subscribe to a set process. Sometimes I find the most amazing choreography is not thought first, anyway. It just come from somewhere. I think perhaps our bodies are right with it! Trust in the knowledge our bodies hold, allow yourself the autonomy to trust intuition and go with it. That's when the best art making takes place. Finding methods for our students to do this has to start with confidence building and not predefining them into types, categories or groups!

  6. Pemain muda ini akan jadi pesepakbola termahal Baca disini!!!


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