Starting Module 3

So after a week of reflecting on mod 2 feedback (again) I'm now feel energised to move forward with my research inquiry.
I've spent the last couple of evening searching for more literature and have now become quicker at disregarding non relevant quicker as much as I'd like to read everything it's not possible in the relatively short timeframe we have.
I've also started to finalise my interview questions, and am feeling confident with these, I want to ensure my interviews allow for open discussion (with my direction).
Finally I keep thinking about my artefact and have no idea about this, I keep having ideas but then talking myself out of them... I'm currently on the idea of visual images collected by myself and those from various publications and sources...
Finally out of interest I googled the word dancer the other day and was amazed at the top search results (images) (this has links to my inquiry) try it id be interested to hear your thoughts.


  1. Hi Gary, so nice to see your method of working resembles my own, gives me confidence. I also am constantly reflecting on how/what to produce this artefact. good luck-keep your thoughts coming.


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